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Sims 4 Evil Vampire 2#

When she waked up I decided to buy her a wooden coffin. I went to a house and started rude interactions to them (they were 2). I fought one of them and lost. Then I fought the other one and I am not sure if I won. However, I have made my first 2 enemies, the Fengs. I had become bad at reputation. Then I drank their blood. I couldn’t find the one, so I drank only from the girl. I took a picture of her and gained 10 followers. I left the lot without a thing. After that I found somebody walking around and started being rude to them. When I fought them, I won! We became enemies and then I drank his blood. By that time an event was happening. Name is “Welcome Wagon” I invited Venessa in and then yelled at her. Of course, and I fought her. I lost. I drank her blood and then took a picture of her. I have gained 20 followers from the picture of Venessa and the one that I won. She has become awful… I went to work and when I came back, I got a promotion! I am now a pretty thief. Also, I have stolen something from work but that something is just trash. I decided to return it back. I took a bath and I invited Vladislaus to train me. He was sleeping so I decided to read an encyclopedia. I learned about plasma, that vampires can walk to the sun IF they have a ceiling on their heads and that there is a drink that helps vampires walk into the sun. I traveled to a house. I got into a fight and I made an enemy. I drunk her blood. I took a photo of her and got 20 followers. Can I gain followers from my evil plans? Of course, and I can. Watch me trying it in the next posts.

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